Cluster Structure

Executive Bodies of the Metallurgy Europe Association are the Metallurgy Europe Industrial Steering Committee (ISC), the Cluster Office (CO), the Technical Evaluation Board (TEB), the Public Authorities Board (PAB) and ad-hoc Working Groups (WG), as shown below.



The Industrial Steering Committee is mainly responsible for:

  • programmatic and strategic matters;
  • technical roadmap drafting and reviews;
  • institutional relations;
  • inter-cluster collaborations;
  • cluster enlargement and approval of newcomers;
  • revoking a partner’s membership, in case of non-payment of annual membership fee, unethical or fraudulent behaviour gravely injurious to the reputation of the Metallurgy Europe Association;
  • project acceptance;
  • representation of the Programme externally;
  • negotiations with Subsidisers or other Public Authorities;
  • guidelines for the Technical Evaluation Board and ad-hoc Working Group(s);
  • priority setting/project ranking for public support;
  • approval of project reports;
  • definition, issue and control of the rules for Programme and Project management;
  • monitoring of projects’ progress;
  • approval of the budget and the costs of the Metallurgy Europe Cluster Office;
  • nomination, re-nomination and dismissal of the Metallurgy Europe Cluster Office Director;
  • proposed modifications to the Constitution.


The Cluster Office is be responsible for:

  • implementing and monitoring the rules and regulations, which are defined, issued and controlled by the Industrial Steering Committee, set up pursuant to the Constitution;
  • organising all aspects of proposal handling and evaluation, including call preparation, online proposal submission, Technical Evaluation Board organisation and providing ranking lists/recommendations to the Industrial Steering Committee;
  • monitoring the progress and quality of running projects within the programme;
  • analysing data and providing programmatic annual reports;
  • supporting the review and updating of the Technical Roadmap;
  • providing public information and communication, such as the bi-annual newsletter;
  • creating and maintaining the cluster website ( in order to generate further awareness;
  • contacting and liaising with the Public Authorities, at the request of the Industrial Steering Committee;
  • supporting the Executive Bodies, as specified in the Constitution;
  • organising meetings, workshops and annual summits;
  • collecting membership fees from Metallurgy Europe Partners;
  • setting up the CO bank account and its administration;
  • proposing and executing the budget;
  • providing quarterly reports of actual versus planned cost;
  • providing secure IT systems and administration.


Responsibilities of Metallurgy Europe Technical Evaluation Board

The Technical Evaluation Board is responsible for the overall quality, coherence and consistency of the evaluation of the project proposals, within the fourteen top-level R&D Topics.


Ad-hoc Working Groups

Working Groups are foreseen in order to support the work of the Industrial Steering Committee and the Technical Evaluation Board.


Public Authorities Board

The Metallurgy Europe Public Authorities Board (PAB) comprises representatives of national funding agencies, collectively referred to as the Subsidisers. The Public Authorities Board supports and facilitates the securing of public co-funding for selected projects, according to national priorities. It also aims to provide harmonisation, optimal execution and continuity of the programme. Official list can be found on the EUREKA website